Green IT Strategy
Paper Elimination Strategy
- Printers – desk vs network (less hardware, consumable resources)
- Duplex printing (using both sides of paper)
- Scanning
- Electronic fax
Computer Power Strategy
- Purchase green computers (less power)
- Power save modes
- Laptops and tablets vs desktops
Business Data Cloud Strategy
•Data stored in reputable cloud server
- More reliable – guaranteed up time, servers are maintained, redundant, backed up and have UPS in the event of a power outage.This saves costs and downtime.
Separate clouds for different functions – email, storage, and communications. This way, in the unlikely event a cloud has downtime, only a portion of the business function is affected.
- Laptops and tablets vs desktops – connect and collaborate anywhere.
Teleworking Strategy
- Softphones or voIP to enhance communication
- Video conferencing solutions
- Instant Message Solutions
- Less time traveling
- More time spent being productive
- Less resources used – gas, wear and tear on car, mental stress, etc.
Better work/life balance
Green IT Procurement
- Total cost of ownership – maintenance, monthly cost, upgrades, etc.
- Total life cycle
- Energy consumption
Return on investment